About Demain Online
A cross national hub of the headlines pour demain.
Demain Online is an online publication for top industry leaders who want to stay informed of current business topics and trends. Demain is your up-to-the-minute news source for all things business, entrepreneurship, innovation, and lifestyle. Our team of experts are based in the business and innovation hub of Washington DC, along with a sister staff originally hailing from Quebec, Canada. Led by talented journalists, consultants, analysts, and experts, we are dedicated to keeping our readers informed with the news and information pour demain (“for tomorrow”). We are committed to covering subjects that are uniquely important to our readers, while bringing you valuable insights from around the country and the world.
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Demain Voices

Nicholas Singh
Executive Editor / Washington D.C.

Lillian Weaver
Associate Editor / Washington D.C.

Robin Hill
Assistant Editor / Washington D.C.

Raquel Dubois
Contributing Editor / Quebec

Victor Cole
Contributing Writer / Washington D.C.

Julien Lavigne
Contributing Writer / Quebec